
Create JSONs from Java objects

JsonSerializer serializes objects into JSON strings. Create an instance of the serializer, configure it and you're done! You may re-use the JsonSerializer instances (i.e. configurations). Let's see more about how serialization works.

Basic usage

Create the new instance of JsonSerializer and pass an object to serialize:

JsonSerializer jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
String json = jsonSerializer.serialize(object);

or as a one-liner:

String json = JsonSerializer.create().serialize(object);

Thats it! JsonSerializer process the target object according to its type. It recognizes arrays, lists, maps, collections, strings, numbers etc. and returns them in a correct JSON format.

If you pass an object, JsonSerializer will scan all its properties (defined by getters) and create JSON map from it. Each property of a bean will be also serialized according to its type and so on. Of course, JsonSerializer detects circular dependencies (by checking an object's identity).

There is one important default behavior of JsonSerializer:

Collections (lists, arrays...) are not serialized by default. {: .attn}

This plays well with some 3rd party libraries (like ORM) where collections represent lazy relationships.


JSON serialization is recursive: all properties of target bean gets serialized and so on. During the serialization, JsonSerializer browse the 'object graph' of given object. Current serialization position is determined by the path: a string that consist of dot-separated property names up to the current position.

For example, the path may be This means that we can get its value in Java by calling: getUser().getWork().getPrefix() on target object.

Deep serialization

If you want to serialize everything, including the collections, don't worry! Just set the deep flag to true:

String json = jsonSerializer.create().deep(true).serialize(object);

The object will be fully serialized. If all your use-cases use deep serialization, it's easy to enable it globally in the configuration.

Class name meta-data

By default, JsonSerializer does not outputs object's class name. However, sometimes we want to preserve the type of serialized object (especially if we want to parse the JSON string back into object). To do this, just enable this feature:


This feature can be enabled to be default, too.

JSON Type Serializers

JsonSerializer knows to serializes primitives, collections, strings, integers, and various Java types that are commonly used as bean properties. For each type, there is a TypeJsonSerializer instance that defines how type is serialized to a JSON.

It is possible to add a custom serializer for a type. We can:

  • register custom serializer for a type, so all instances of this type would be registered the same way, or

  • we can bind a property path to custom serializer:

final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd");
String json = new JsonSerializer()
        .withSerializer("birthdate", new DateJsonSerializer() {
            public void serialize(JsonContext jsonContext, Date date) {

Jodd JSON comes with default set of type serializers that should cover all common types and needs. However, don't hesitate to build your own type serializer when needed.

Pretty JSON

Default JSON output is not human readable as it does not have any line break. There is a pretty version of a serializer that returns beautiful JSON:

JsonSerializer serializer = new PrettyJsonSerializer();

or as a one-liner:


User can control the indentation size and used character.

Last updated