
So far we have seen that JsonSerializer excludes the collections, and that this behavior is controlled by the deep flag. There is more sophisticated way on how to configure what to serialize. Serialization process can be fine-tuned: properties can be included and excluded. There are several ways how to do this.

Include/Exclude methods

By using include() and exclude() methods we can include and exclude a property referenced by it's path. Let's take the following class as an example:

public class Person {

    private String name;
    private Address home;
    private Address work;
    private List<Phone> phones = new ArrayList<Phone>();

    // ... and getters and setters

If we serialize this class using default JsonSerializer we will get JSON object with 3 keys: name, home and work. Property phones is not serialized by default as it is a collection.

We can include phones with the following code:

String json = new JsonSerializer

In the same way we can exclude a property. For example:

String json = new JsonSerializer

Resulting JSON in this case would also be a map with 3 keys: name, home and phones.

Of course, you can specify nested include/exclude paths, like:

String json = JsonSerializer.create()

This time we changed how the inner object (Phone) is serialized.

Include/exclude paths can contain a wildcard (*). Wildcard replaces more properties at once. Wildcard can only substitute whole property names, not partials. Here is how it can be used:

String json = new JsonSerializer

Resulting JSON map this time contains just one key: name, as all others properties are excluded.

JSON Annotation

Using include/exclude methods can be cumbersome if done frequently. Json provides a way to express these rules using annotation. The @JSON annotation marks a property (getter or a field) as included by default.

In above example we may say that Phones are integral part of a Person and that we should always have them serialized. So we can do the following:

public class Person {

    private String name;
    private Address home;
    private Address work;
    private List<Phone> phones = new ArrayList<Phone>();

    // ... getters and setters

That's it! But wait, that's not all :) Json supports two ways how a class can be annotated:

  • In the default mode, JSON annotations simply defines additional properties that have to be included. All other properties, that are not marked with an annotation, are also included according to the rules. This mode is usually used to include collection properties, that are excluded by default.

  • In the strict mode, JSON annotation defines only properties that have to be included. All other properties, that are not marked with an annotation, are not included, even though they should be according to the rules. Strict mode is enabled by annotating the class with the annotation and setting the strict element to true:

@JSON(strict = true)
public class Person {

    private String name;
    private Address home;
    private Address work;
    private List<Phone> phones = new ArrayList<Phone>();

    // ... and getters and setters

Here property work is not serialized as it is not annotated and the class is serialized in strict mode.

Custom key names

Furthermore, JSON annotation can change the name of the generated keys, e.g.:

public class Person {

    private String name;
    @JSON(name = "home_address")
    private Address home;


We have changed the name of the home property to home_address.

Custom JSON Annotation

An awesome feature is that it is possible to set custom JSON annotation. If you do not want to use default annotation from Jodd JSON, then just create your own annotation and register it. You don't have to copy all annotation fields, just those that you really need.

Custom annotations is a great way how you can integrate Json with the existing codebase.

Excluding types

We can also exclude properties of certain type or that matches certain type name wildcard pattern. Sometimes we need to serialize complex beans that contain properties that are meaningless for the serialization, like streams. We can exclude such properties from getting serialized:

new JsonSerializer()

This will exclude properties that are of InputStream type. We could also add the following rule:

new JsonSerializer()

where the whole package gets excluded.

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